Burns dog food is the range pioneered by vet John Burns to combat some of the many issues he frequently encountered whilst at work. With the same issues popping up constantly in his veterinary surgery he supposed that there must be a common factor involved, and research has shown that diet was the cause.
So with the goal of creating a food to help maintain dog health Burns Pet Nutrition was established in 1993. Over the last two decades the dog food brand name has quickly become one of the most recognisable and their turnover is in the millions of pounds range.
Burns focus on high quality ingredients such as grains and animal proteinwith the result being that food is very easy to digest. This will obviously have certain health benefits, but one factor many people may not have realised is that feeding cost will also be low due to being able to feed your dog less. In fact, the daily feeding amount suggested by this food brand is one of the lowest around!
One issue we’ve encountered is that some dogs don’t find the food very appetising due to the high ratio of grain to protein contained in the dog food range. If you notice that your dog doesn’t maintain weight easily whilst being fed Burns then it may be time to try a new dog food.
This isn’t to say that the quality isn’t good because 5 minutes of browsing online will show you that they have a very dedicated following amongst breed communities. For an up to date range of Burns dog food prices check the dogfoodprice.co.uk site.
So in conclusion, the ingredients used in most of the Burns dog food range are unlikely to cause your dog any dietary issues due to their quality. Feeding amounts can be lower which can lead to a relatively inexpensive dog diet, but some dogs don’t always take to the taste of the food.
Out of the 5 dogs we have all of them love burns except 1. She gradually dropped weight over time and doesn’t seem very keen to eat her dinner.